Saturday, March 2, 2013

March? Cold or Not So Cold?

I'm going to skip this weeks storm for just this one post and show you something! I've seen some facebook meteorologists and so on say that after this storm Winter is over and boom it's spring time. Well I'm here to show you why I think they are completely wrong!

First map here is of the Euro Ensembles for 10 days out (March 12)...

Now this storm can do one of two things at this point, go NE from here and into the Great Lakes or again come off the Coast and Head to the NE! Now lets take a look at the PSD Ensemble (Physical Science Division-NOAA)...

Yes it is a little further East than the Euro Ensembles. And definitely a lot stronger. Granted this is still 10 days. But what I am showing you is that March could be the coldest March in nearly 2 decades!

The JMA (sorry no picture today) paints COLD for the ENTIRE US for the ENTIRE month of March! As does the EURO Ensembles. I'm starting to believe most Social Media Experts do not do very much research on anything. Now, I could be completely wrong but I have given 3 different models showing COLD for AT LEAST the first HALF of March. Oh I forgot to mention the Canadian Ensembles are ridiculously cold for the next 16 days everywhere EAST of the 3 states along the West Coast!

With this now you can determine what March might be like! Thanks for listening!

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